Fear of success. I've been thinking about your question for a few days now. The question is "How do you get past this?" I think we must define this fear first.
Affiliates are not afraid of money, that may be on someones mind as in "I won the lottery, now stay away, it's my money." They are fearful that people will try to take money from them. If you see this in your affiliates, explain to them the difference between fast money and money you work for. SFI provides the later based on your work ethic.
Affiliates are afraid of what others think of them as in "Oh you've joined one of those internet marketing companies, what a joke." They fear losing a friend due to the way they chose to better themselves. Explain that through SFI they can better themselves and if they see it through to the point where they are making good money they can go to that friend and show them the results, maybe even getting that friend to become an affiliate.
Affiliates may never have been successful before. When they get their first taste, and see bad reactions from others, they may not like it. If that is the case have them run their SFI business in as professional a manner as possible. Sink into the work. When this fear rears it's ugly head tell them to work on some area of SFI that they have not tried. The new direction will allay the fear. Then they can go to those that criticized their efforts with the results. Again possibly getting new affiliates.
There will always be critics, advise your affiliates that the critics are likely those that tried and failed, they are in a group of those that try and end up succeeding. Let their success prove to the world they made the right choice.
Fear of success. I've been thinking about your question for a few days now. The question is "How do you get past this?" I think we must define this fear first.
Affiliates are not afraid of money, that may be on someones mind as in "I won the lottery, now stay away, it's my money." They are fearful that people will try to take money from them. If you see this in your affiliates, explain to them the difference between fast money and money you work for. SFI provides the