It is without a doubt a very powerful tool to be able to communicate so easily and with such speed across the globe that we no longer can provide inaccessibility to people as an excuse for not staying in touch.
I adopt various methods that make it easy if any members of my team wish to communicate with me. The foremost is provide my email which circulates within SFI. In addition, I provide my telephone or skype contacts where appropriate so that even if there are time differences, messages are relayed and I respond to them immediately I log onto my PC. This takes care of time zones.
It helps to know or have multiple language skills but not everyone is blessed with this capability though in my case, I have knowledge of various ethnic languages to help me. These challenges are met by help from a2a friends who are very accommodating whether they are within your region or outside. You can count on them to connect them with my team member who may be in the same country/region as my a2a friend. In time you build a rapport and understand the culture as well.
In many instances you can use an online Translator if there is no one else to rely on.
With technology - would be my simple answer.
It is without a doubt a very powerful tool to be able to communicate so easily and with such speed across the globe that we no longer can provide inaccessibility to people as an excuse for not staying in touch.
I adopt various methods that make it easy if any members of my team wish to communicate with me. The foremost is provide my email which circulates within SFI. In addition, I provide my telephone or skype contacts where appropriate ...more