You might've noticed that there is a WOW Auction featured on Triple Clicks every day. I use that specific auction to promote Triple Clicks and the Price benders auctions. Share it where ever I can - it is a more subtle approach(or maybe it is not so subtle for some people) These people will recognise a huge bargain when they see one.
Other people might be a bit slower and they have to see a few of these before they sit up and take notice.
And then there are those that you have to hit over the head and point out the obvious to them before they will even start taking notice. They are the ones you have to tell or ask - how much will you pay for this if you have to buy it now? So what if I tell you somebody bought this on a Price Benders auction at Triple Clicks for 99% off the normal retail price?
I also follow a more direct approach with friends and family by telling them about this wonderful bargain on Price Benders - by this time most of them know what I am doing to ensure a better standard of living for myself and my loved ones. I am not trying to sign them up - I know better than trying that on them, I just peak their curiosity.
Know your customers (or more accurately - recognize that people need different things to force them into action)
You might've noticed that there is a WOW Auction featured on Triple Clicks every day. I use that specific auction to promote Triple Clicks and the Price benders auctions. Share it where ever I can - it is a more subtle approach(or maybe it is not so subtle for some people) These people will recognise a huge bargain when they see one.
Other people might be a bit slower and they have to see a few of these before they sit up and take notice.