Fear of success is a major problem for many people. How do you get past this with your team members?
I have a story somewhat like that, some time ago, I’ll say about 1995 I was about to receive my college degree and had to walk up the steps and across a stage to do so. I had to also shake the hand of the college president, and as well as the keynote speaker, who was at the time, a state senator. After all that work I had done getting that degree, I froze at that first step while ascending to the stage to receive my degree. I believed that I was ok studying alone to complete my studies, but when it came to appearing before eight thousand people at that commencement, that part of the success factor I wanted to relinquish.
In all, it was part of a process, and a movement from one stage in life to the next. I needed to adapt to the new position that I had intentionally created for myself, not the fact that eight thousand people had attended the ceremony, but accept that moment as a part of my personal success map.
So to get past the fear of one-to-many connections, focus on where you want to be next, therefore, get that one foot off first base and move on to second base, it’s a step by step process. Moving to the next level involves engaging and connecting with your team as a team leader.
Fear of success is a major problem for many people. How do you get past this with your team members?
I have a story somewhat like that, some time ago, I’ll say about 1995 I was about to receive my college degree and had to walk up the steps and across a stage to do so. I had to also shake the hand of the college president, and as well as the keynote speaker, who was at the time, a state senator. After all that work I had done getting that degree, I froze at that first step while ascending