Personally the most important goal I've set for my SFI business is choosing to stick with it and allowing myself a standing order even if I don't think I can't afford it.
I found that I could afford it. So I learned that just because I 'think it' doesn't actually make it TRUE. I'm glad I not only learned that lesson, but implemented it so when I actually don't have as much money (for example: we moved last month. My man has a job, but he had two weeks off over Christmas and I'm still looking for a job. I can't just take any job because of a sports injury) I still stick to it and work away...
I also have learned that the words I choose to think daily about SFI, advertising SFI, finding a job directly affects the outcome. It also takes time to make it happen. Allow time to do it's job!!!
Personally the most important goal I've set for my SFI business is choosing to stick with it and allowing myself a standing order even if I don't think I can't afford it.
I found that I could afford it. So I learned that just because I 'think it' doesn't actually make it TRUE. I'm glad I not only learned that lesson, but implemented it so when I actually don't have as much money (for example: we moved last month. My man has a job, but he had two weeks off over Christmas and I'm still ...more