I can't imagine anyone seriously pursuing the business without a measure of confidence and optimism. However, those that "dabble" may indeed have that fear of failure, hence the lack of committment.
Do you have those affiliates that are there every month, but they never seem to have much more than 100 VP? This is a POSSIBLE case of fear of failure. they keep dabbling because they WANT to believe, but never go far because they don't think they can.
Praise, and gentle tips will help some. Harshness will only drive these types further into their fears.
Be patient and kind. Confidence may come with time.
Fear of success, or fear of failure?
I can't imagine anyone seriously pursuing the business without a measure of confidence and optimism. However, those that "dabble" may indeed have that fear of failure, hence the lack of committment.
Do you have those affiliates that are there every month, but they never seem to have much more than 100 VP? This is a POSSIBLE case of fear of failure. they keep dabbling because they WANT to believe, but never go far because they ...more