Hello Sasa
Your question is confusing, interesting but is quite valid. Most of us have our own websites. At least we have a blog. Now as you have rightly put, we get confused where and how SFI should be advertised? There are two options as follows:
1. Ads link to Webpage/Blog
You get publicity as a good blog or website maker. Along with SFI and TripleClicks you can direct your viewers to a large number of business opportunities to choose from. Also it depends on the content of your blog that decides the direction of action of your viewer.
As there may may a main content along with various types of Banners, links and other thing that come along with Blog/webpage making may totally confuse your viewer and he may not be able to decide what to read and what to join or what not to join.
2. Ads directed to SFI Gateways:
But if your Ads are directed to the SFI page/Gateway, there is no reason for your customer/viewer to get confused. Here is has only two options, either join you or not join but there is no confusion. Therefore, in my opinion sending your leads to SFI gateways is much preferred and beneficial. You can additional use the webpage/blog for a better change to gain more exposure of your content and offers
Hope it helps to you in particular and the readers in general. Take care, see you all later ! Wish you all ASK_SC community a very Happy New Year 2015.
Hello Sasa
Your question is confusing, interesting but is quite valid. Most of us have our own websites. At least we have a blog. Now as you have rightly put, we get confused where and how SFI should be advertised? There are two options as follows:
1. Ads link to Webpage/Blog
You get publicity as a good blog or website maker. Along with SFI and TripleClicks you can direct your viewers to a large number of business opportunities to choose from. Also