We cannot GET anyone to commit to something unless they are committed to themselves first.
Committing to SFI is something that comes from within a person..they have to have the desire to better themselves, they have to want to do something other than make their boss rich.
We as Affiliates already in the business, need to make sure we have the proper mind-set to explain this business to others.
Everyone is not qualified to do what we do...oh SFI is wonderful, however, not everyone can do what we do. So I would suggest the following, first get their attention and how you do that is by recruiting one on one...I love to recruit one on one.
I find out what my prospect likes, dislikes, what he or she needs, what they want out of life and then I go from there.
I don't get my people committed after joining SFI, I get them committed before I sign them up, then you have someone whom you can work with, train, and show them how to duplicate what you are doing.
I hope this helps in answering your question!
Aim High and Dream Big...and look for those Diamonds in the rough, they will make you a Diamond Team Leader!
We cannot GET anyone to commit to something unless they are committed to themselves first.
Committing to SFI is something that comes from within a person..they have to have the desire to better themselves, they have to want to do something other than make their boss rich.
We as Affiliates already in the business, need to make sure we have the proper mind-set to explain this business to others.
Everyone is not qualified to do what we do...oh SFI is wonderful, however,