I think it depends where you place your ads. In your ads you should give just enough information to wet their interest. Always be truthful and you should not put something into the ad that doesn't happened. You have to look carefully at the wording.
Use the hit tracking and if an ad is working reuse it but if it doesn't work maybe do some changing of the ad or where you are running the ad.
If you are using safelists as a rule the ad doesn't work overnight. You might have to run the ad a number of times before it does any good.
I think it depends where you place your ads. In your ads you should give just enough information to wet their interest. Always be truthful and you should not put something into the ad that doesn't happened. You have to look carefully at the wording.
Use the hit tracking and if an ad is working reuse it but if it doesn't work maybe do some changing of the ad or where you are running the ad.
If you are using safelists as a rule the ad doesn't work overnight. You might have to run the ad a ...more