To be able to get the commitment of your new PSAs, you must consider the following:
1. how committed are you to this business? are you a spectator or a participator?
2. What has been your gain in your commitment? any returns in investment? what has been your testimony?
people want to know what works and how it works.
For example, i was discussing with an a2a friend and he was sharing his challenges with his team with me. he was getting tired. i shared the rewards of my being active and committed to SFI. he was impressed and it boosted him. i told him to teach his team on how to make returns on any investment they make in SFI. that way they will know that SFI gives them back their money plus profits with it if they can utilize the opportunities offered to affiliates
3. Incentives and reward for being active will help them to be committed especially if you explain to them their importance. if you give 10TC or GC, what value does it hold for them? let them know. once they know they will understand what is in it for them and they go for it. that will boost them
4. Boosting their enthusiasm makes them committed. how? tell them ALL the benefits that SFI has for them and how they can use it, that way they will know that the company has their interest at heart
5. to get them committed, you have to build a cordial relationship with them. let them know that you care more than the gain you will get from their purchases. people don't want to know how much you know but how much you care
To be able to get the commitment of your new PSAs, you must consider the following:
1. how committed are you to this business? are you a spectator or a participator?
2. What has been your gain in your commitment? any returns in investment? what has been your testimony?
people want to know what works and how it works.
For example, i was discussing with an a2a friend and he was sharing his challenges with his team with me. he was getting tired. i shared the rewards of my