When advertising SFI/TripleClicks, you have something to tell the world.
The world however (internet, newspaper, flyers, posters, radio etc..) is full of people like us, all shouting out messages about our own news/products/jobs etc. There is so much competition for the consumer/clients attention that if we want to standout and be read or heard, we have to be innovative and be very clever about our message and how we deliver it.
People don't have the time to listen or read long worded advertisements. The content and the wordings of the advertisement must therefore be brief and contain the following:
1. An attention grabber. This is something, statement that would grab the reader or listeners attention and the wording must create sufficient interest for the prospect to continue onto the next stage.
2. A brief statement of what you are offering. This is the next stage. Be brief eg - 'operating own business from home' etc..
3. A reason why they should have it. Again be brief about it telling them how they will benefit from it.
4. A call to action. This is what your prospect should be doing now, the next action. Tell them what to do eg - 'go to (website)' 'complete this for to sign up' etc.. Direct them to your gateways.
The whole idea is to grab their attention, tell them what you are offering, the benefits to them
and what they are to do if they want to take advantage of your offer. You cannot afford to loose their interest, so be brief and don't have wordy advertisements.
When advertising SFI/TripleClicks, you have something to tell the world.
The world however (internet, newspaper, flyers, posters, radio etc..) is full of people like us, all shouting out messages about our own news/products/jobs etc. There is so much competition for the consumer/clients attention that if we want to standout and be read or heard, we have to be innovative and be very clever about our message and how we deliver it.
People don't have the time to listen or read