I can understand the frustration every one of us is experiencing, the situation when we recruit one PSA, a group of other PSAs will drop out.
I think, way too often we focus so much on recruiting new PSAs, and we forget the downlines we already have. Work with the Workers. I also think the real reason why people drop out because they are often ignored and forgotten by their Uplines. You can read in Forum, dissatisfied downlines voicing out his/her frustration about not getting support and assistance from their Leaders.
So, to get their commitment, we should;
• Provide service and follow-up to your downlines. Remember, your new PSAs join your network
marketing because of you, not product or service. They believe in you, that you can help
them meet their goals and something beneficial to offer.
• Follow up is follow through. Get in touch as soon as you are notified by SFI that you have
a new member. If you have their contacts or other means (social media etc), be in touch
with them and ensure they are tapping into the resources and training tools provided by SFI
and that they are getting off to a good start.
• This is important. Staying in contact shows you care. Send your downlines motivational
quotes, techniques that you use, that are successful, inform them of new resources (other
than those coming from SFI). Doing this show you care and value their business. Staying in
touch will also provide you with an opportunity to get new business and strengthen your
relationship with your PSAs.
• Anticipate the current needs of your PSA, ultimately leads to anticipation of future needs.
Try to always think ahead, this will help you keep your PSAs happy and satisfied.
• Work closely with them and be supportive. No one is guaranteed success, but you will be
amazed by high success rate when you work closely with them and support their efforts. Show
that you care and you will improve the retention of your PSAs.
• Be genuine. In your concern, not just in it to get their money. Go above and beyond to
assist your PSAs , in getting what they want and need. If you provide value through concern
for them as a person, with quality Leader’s service in every way possible, you will find
your PSAs will be there for the long term.
If you want productive PSAs/CSAs, keep in mind, the stability of your residual income will be in direct proportion to your follow up and personal service. Make your follow up and personal touch your PRIORITY! Your wealth and your downline members depend on it.