I have always tried to advise and help my PSA's, i watch there VP ledger to see what available Versa Points they maybe having a hard time with.
I send them E cards of encouragement as they achieve,email them with tips on how to gain the additional VP they require but sadly as of this moment i am finding "that you can lead a Horse to water but you can't make him drink"
Each one i get i am trying that little bit harder to encourage i even have offered PSA,s as a reward for achieving EA status, but we need to find the right people with the drive and enthusiasm/comitted then they will go forward.
I will be watching this question closely to see what answers i can learn.
Don't ever give up just keep trying, one day we will get it right.
I have always tried to advise and help my PSA's, i watch there VP ledger to see what available Versa Points they maybe having a hard time with.
I send them E cards of encouragement as they achieve,email them with tips on how to gain the additional VP they require but sadly as of this moment i am finding "that you can lead a Horse to water but you can't ...more