In my opinion it is better to provide less information in your ads. The reason(s)
1. if they want more information they can find it here on the SFI website.
2. Advertisements are supposed to be brief but compelling. You aren't trying to explain the entire business to every prospect who may or may not be interested in the same aspects of the business that you find interesting and marketable.
3. The more you include in your ad the more likely you are to misrepresent or misinterpret some aspect unless you cut and paste the explanation directly from the site.
4. It takes longer to provide more information in your campaigns, it takes longer for prospects to read, and it takes up more space which may or may not be an issue depending on where you are advertising.
5. If you discover that you have made a typo or mistake in any of your statements you then need to go back and find all of the ads that are incorrect and fix them (if you can) sometimes editing them is not an option and if your prospect or affiliate discovers that something you said was untrue or incorrect you lose their trust.
In my opinion it is better to provide less information in your ads. The reason(s)
1. if they want more information they can find it here on the SFI website.
2. Advertisements are supposed to be brief but compelling. You aren't trying to explain the entire business to every prospect who may or may not be interested in the same aspects of the business that you find interesting and marketable.
3. The more you include in your ad the more likely you are to misrepresent or misinterpret some ...more