SFI, with all of its advantages, isn't right for 80% or more of the PSAs and CSAs that sign up. Remember the 80/20 rule. Twenty percent of anything will do 100% of the work, the sales, the sponsoring.
Your job is to find that 20% that will work, that will sell, and that will sponsor. It may be you have to sponsor more to find that 20%. You send all 100% of your PSAs and CSAs all the information to help them make a favorable decision. Some facts, statistics, ideas, games, and tips will interest some people, and be of no interest to others.
Once you get the communication going both ways, then you can ask what help they need. Then you will learn, from the communication, what they are interested in, and how to approach them.
You really don't convince them. You offer them ideas, hopes, dreams, methods, and tips. From all of that, and the SFI website, they convince themselves.
SFI, with all of its advantages, isn't right for 80% or more of the PSAs and CSAs that sign up. Remember the 80/20 rule. Twenty percent of anything will do 100% of the work, the sales, the sponsoring.
Your job is to find that 20% that will work, that will sell, and that will sponsor. It may be you have to sponsor more to find that 20%. You send all 100% of your PSAs and CSAs all the information to help them make a favorable decision. Some facts, statistics, ideas, games, and tips will