All that a team leader does is offer ideas and share what worked and did not work with the SFI business.
Ultimately it is up to fellow affiliates to incorporate or not incorporate the hints, suggestions, or success/challenge stories you share.
Some affiliates find the amount of emails, TeamMail messages, Forum SFI, and even Stream posts too much so for these affiliates - they may feel that your assistance/support is too much.
Ask your downline members - straight out, what they hope to receive from you, ask what they want to achieve with SFI at their side and custom fit your assistance to what affiliates give feed-back on.
You will never know if what you do is too little or too much - that is until you directly ask your downline affiliates where you may assist.
All that a team leader does is offer ideas and share what worked and did not work with the SFI business.
Ultimately it is up to fellow affiliates to incorporate or not incorporate the hints, suggestions, or success/challenge stories you share.
Some affiliates find the amount of emails, TeamMail messages, Forum SFI, and even Stream posts too much so for these affiliates - they may feel that your assistance/support is too much. ...more