what to pursue? i will suggest PSAs. why? because of the following reasons:
1. you recruit these ones yourself and you maintain them PERMANENTLY whether they come from S builder or PSAs To Go. what do i mean permanently? They won't be taken away from you even if you don't even qualify as an EA.if you are on vacation and you couldn't qualify, you still have money coming to you from their purchases.
2. You have the chance of earning 45% commission from their purchases
3. You are able to grow your team through their activities like signing up PSAs of their own. Their PSAs come under your downliner, not so with CSAs and on, it keeps growing especially if they are active.
4. You can reassign your PSAs to your active PSAs who have been active for 90 days and earn 5vp extra for each PSAs you reassign to. you grow your team through this reassigning, generating more downliners for yourself and causing your downliners you reassigned the PSAs to, to grow their team and at the same time earn from their efforts
5.You easily earn AVP from their ranks as they grow in the business. what do i mean? when your PSAs become EA2s, you earn 100VP, BTL-150VP etc
6.When your PSAs become ECAs of their own, you earn 100AVP as well and perhaps commission from their sales as well.
7. When they win auctions, there are some benefits you stand to get from their winnings
All these are what gives advantageous benefits than CSAs. all these are not visible with CSAs. once you don't qualify as an EA, they are gone and gone forever. if you were a STL and couldn't qualify, all your 100 CSAs are gone for good. even if you qualify as an EA, those 100 CSAs can't be given to you again.
what to pursue? i will suggest PSAs. why? because of the following reasons:
1. you recruit these ones yourself and you maintain them PERMANENTLY whether they come from S builder or PSAs To Go. what do i mean permanently? They won't be taken away from you even if you don't even qualify as an EA.if you are on vacation and you couldn't qualify, you still have money coming to you from their purchases.
2. You have the chance of earning 45% commission from their purchases
3. You