Hopefully you have developed a list of contact info for most of your team so they will be accessible through those means. The main activity here would be to discuss the unavailability of the affiliate center comparing notes as if it is a local or widespread event. Outside of communicating with your team, associates, prospects and customers you can also try communicating with the Support center for a more direct confirmation of the inaccessibility. Finally spend time doing other stuff that will build your business without having to go to or refer to the affiliate center like writing team articles and coming up with new sponsoring strategies.
Hopefully you have developed a list of contact info for most of your team so they will be accessible through those means. The main activity here would be to discuss the unavailability of the affiliate center comparing notes as if it is a local or widespread event. Outside of communicating with your team, associates, prospects and customers you can also try communicating with the Support center for a more direct confirmation of the inaccessibility. Finally spend time doing other stuff that will build ...more