However, if you regularly work daily, weekly and monthly tasks, the best product is Special SFI Standing Orrden only $29-100 pack tcredits. You get 1200VP plus other tasks and have more than 1500VP this month.
100tc if you use the double auction, first you have the opportunity to win the auction. Secondly, you get two new PSAs, and because the double auction you get for each bid 10mrp, ..with them you can buy a product, etc. Of course tc can be used in any games or keep for the next month. There are many options
In any case, both are excellent package. The decision is yours alone.
Good luck.
The best package of 125tc.
However, if you regularly work daily, weekly and monthly tasks, the best product is Special SFI Standing Orrden only $29-100 pack tcredits. You get 1200VP plus other tasks and have more than 1500VP this month.
100tc if you use the double auction, first you have the opportunity to win the auction. Secondly, you get two new PSAs, and because the double auction you get for each bid 10mrp, ..with them you can buy a product, etc. Of course tc can be used in any ...more