I agree that TC packs,S-Builder and PSAs to go are most famous and most popular Tripleclicks products.But there are also others,that can be helpful.I will just name few here.
One of them are 12$ Gift cards.It's one of the most powerful marketing tools.They're helping you attract new PRMs.When you hand them a Gift card they will be happy to receive something for free and after they sign up using your code on the card (they need to sign up if they want to redeem 12$ gift) then you'll have PRM (personal referred member) - for life.Benefit is that you'll receive money (and VP) whenever your PRM buys something from Tripleclicks.
Other interesting thing is 50$ (or 100$) Gift cards (available on auctions as $50 Gift Card + 50 T-credits).There you get a 50$/100$ Gift card (like a coupon) and you can then shop in the certain retail stores - in the value of the gift card given.And you can win it in auctions for,say,dollar or two.Besides that,if you win,you get 50 credits too.
There is also Lifetime Custom Prestige Domain.It allows you to have nice,easy-to-remember domain of your choice - for life (actually,for as long as you stand as good SFI affiliate).And even more - you can get up to 5 custom domains for the same price (if you pay for 1 item you can get up to 5 custom domains,if you order 2 you can get up to 10,etc.).You can use it for promotion of your SFI business.
On all of the above listed shipping is FREE,so in that way it's suitable for everyone.
I agree that TC packs,S-Builder and PSAs to go are most famous and most popular Tripleclicks products.But there are also others,that can be helpful.I will just name few here.
One of them are 12$ Gift cards.It's one of the most powerful marketing tools.They're helping you attract new PRMs.When you hand them a Gift card they will be happy to receive something for free and after they sign up using your code on the card (they need to sign up if they want to redeem 12$ gift) then you'll