There may be several products which might yield 1500 VPs and can replace the Standing Oder.
First of all, procuring the 125 TCredits which automatically takes care of establishing and maintaining the Executive Status by providing the much needed 1500 versapoints. Secondly, there is a product which gets advertised in several webpages of SFI but nobody gives a thought to look to it. It is the Advanced Liquid Nutrition product number 5169 which costs around $35.80 or 3510 MRPs or 239 TCredits.
I personally would never suggest or advice any individual member affiliate to replace with the Advanced Liquid Nutrition to 125 TCredits, since TCredits carry more value and utility for various other purposes in the SFI sojourn.
There may be several products which might yield 1500 VPs and can replace the Standing Oder.
First of all, procuring the 125 TCredits which automatically takes care of establishing and maintaining the Executive Status by providing the much needed 1500 versapoints. Secondly, there is a product which gets advertised in several webpages of SFI but nobody gives a thought to look to it. It is the Advanced Liquid Nutrition product number 5169 which costs around $35.80 or 3510 MRPs or 239 TCredits.