There is no doubt in my mind that you are far better pursuing PSA's than CSA's.
From PSA's you get 45% commissions up to 12 levels deep and with CSA's it is only 15% commissions 1 level deep.
However you can occasionally strike a re-assigned CSA who is so grateful that you are now their co-sponsor, because their sponsor and previous co-sponsor have not done what sponsors and co-sponsors are supposed to do, that they will actually work with you and are keen to do so. They have just been looking for some guidance. And 15% from a CSA is a lot better than zero from a PSA.
As a BTL, I was fortunate on one occasion to pick up a re-assigned CSA, at a period of the month when that CSA had already, before the re-assignment, re-qualified as an EA2 and has managed to re-qualify ever since, so Active CSA's are good for business too.
There is no doubt in my mind that you are far better pursuing PSA's than CSA's.
From PSA's you get 45% commissions up to 12 levels deep and with CSA's it is only 15% commissions 1 level deep.
However you can occasionally strike a re-assigned CSA who is so grateful that you are now their co-sponsor, because their sponsor and previous co-sponsor have not done what sponsors and co-sponsors are supposed to do, that they will actually work with you and are keen to do so. They have ...more