In my oppinion the best Product for a Standing Order is the TCredit 125 Pak for $36.25/month and pick up an EA-qualifying 1.500 VP each month!
So you can be sure to reach the minimum of 1.500 VP each month to hold your EA-Status.
You can even transfer some TCredits to your PSA or CSA as benefits to motivate them ;)
And if your PSA´s and CSA´s become more motivated and get benefits from you what will they do?!
Right they are starting to work harder and even better...
In my oppinion the best Product for a Standing Order is the TCredit 125 Pak for $36.25/month and pick up an EA-qualifying 1.500 VP each month!
So you can be sure to reach the minimum of 1.500 VP each month to hold your EA-Status.
You can even transfer some TCredits to your PSA or CSA as benefits to motivate them ;)
And if your PSA´s and CSA´s become more motivated and get benefits from you what will they do?!
Right they are starting to work harder and even ...more