Well I am very active with Safe-lists and text ads.
Most newer safe-lists now offer new members a free post every 3-4 days.So join 10 safe-lists and place them in a folder.Call it DayOne.Join groups of 10 safe-lists,each time put it in favorites calling it by a different day.
Which ones are best? The newer ones give you a place to store your ads.It is called either Stored ads or Templates.
These newer safe-lists also allow surfing right on their site.Most offer you free banners and text ads.Why pay for them when you get free credits for surfing their ads? Banners are included too,just like in Traffic Exchanges.
You can tell which ones are newer.Most put their member count right on their ads.Less than 20,000 members ones are the best to check.
Well I am very active with Safe-lists and text ads.
Most newer safe-lists now offer new members a free post every 3-4 days.So join 10 safe-lists and place them in a folder.Call it DayOne.Join groups of 10 safe-lists,each time put it in favorites calling it by a different day.
Which ones are best? The newer ones give you a place to store your ads.It is called either Stored ads or Templates.
These newer safe-lists also allow surfing right on their site.Most ...more