Hello Quan,
Well, the answer is easy, to get 1500 points in Standing Order and have the 'opportunity to improve my work in SFI, is the purchase of 125 TCredit each month, you can use at auctions with Pricebenders, or you can use to play Eager in Zebra or more to buy other products TripleClicks, always ricorando that besides being used as hard cash you earn MRP (Menber Reward Point) that they can use to buy products and more gains Versa Point or Point Action, these doing the last review of the products purchased.
So Standing Order 125 TCredit WOW !!!
Hello Quan,
Well, the answer is easy, to get 1500 points in Standing Order and have the 'opportunity to improve my work in SFI, is the purchase of 125 TCredit each month, you can use at auctions with Pricebenders, or you can use to play Eager in Zebra or more to buy other products TripleClicks, always ricorando that besides being used as hard cash you earn MRP (Menber Reward Point) that they can use to buy products and more gains Versa Point or Point Action, these doing the last review of the ...more