Always be on the lookout for good, quality content worth sharing. What you find you get. The internet is overloaded with tips, tricks, methods, how-to's on how to be successful. All you have to do is constantly be on the lookout.
Forums, articles, interviews, blogs, even Twitter and Facebook are loaded with good stuffs, you just have to know where and how to look.
May I say this - your newsletter doesn't just have to be SFI centered. If you found a tip or an article that inspired you, share.
If you listened to an interview that blew your mind, share that too!
This is a community, and we have to keep that in mind in all we do.
Always be on the lookout for good, quality content worth sharing. What you find you get. The internet is overloaded with tips, tricks, methods, how-to's on how to be successful. All you have to do is constantly be on the lookout.
Forums, articles, interviews, blogs, even Twitter and Facebook are loaded with good stuffs, you just have to know where and how to look.
May I say this - your newsletter doesn't just have to be SFI centered. If you found a tip or an article that inspired ...more