My approach to writing a newsletter here on SFI to my team members employs 2 strategies:
The KISS strategy - Keep It Super Short
The REAL strategy - Recurring Experiences Accentuating Learning
I aim to summarize in the most detailed manner ideas that foster duplication but without information redundancy and verbose (that is no unnecessary repetition)
This is done simply by structuring a weekly letter by:
1) Talking about what I have learned in my SFI journey
2) Talking about the latest news (pick up what is new as
3) Talking about a tip or point of reference with no particular focus rather a highlight of an area of the affiliate center (eg. launch-pad, hot-spots, menus, income, reference, marketing, gateways, ledgers, etc. etc. etc. pick any at random)
That's the best way to do it in my opinion.
My approach to writing a newsletter here on SFI to my team members employs 2 strategies:
The KISS strategy - Keep It Super Short
The REAL strategy - Recurring Experiences Accentuating Learning
I aim to summarize in the most detailed manner ideas that foster duplication but without information redundancy and verbose (that is no unnecessary repetition)
This is done simply by structuring a weekly letter by:
1) Talking about what