From my little experience I value the fact you promote locally first and globally is just an icing on the cake...why
when you promote locally you have direct contact with the people example among your friend
you will know who to target who has a part time job for example or who is at home who got plenty of time to spare and get benefit from SFI as lot of people out there are inactive because of lack of time....
Sometimes in my children school i distribute the gift cards to parents to buy on tripleclicks or promote sfi or both because most of the parents then again have a part time job or not working.
Form there i have a solid ground for my business remember you need only 5 goods one to succeed
and another thing I have notice when i win csas( co -sponsor) in auction and i check their key code the most active one are the one with key 0 meaning refer by a friend not bought..that is another indicator showing that when you know the person they are more likely to be active ...
So first go local and then global or both at the same time like i said the global part is the icing because for me i work with 2 per cent meaning every 100 won at the auction i m expecting 2 only to be active and so far it is something like that
When you consider S builder it migth be different but you have 10 affiliate for 1 share so do the math and see
one last thing to say here is check your key code to see which on work for yourself
Then you will find the better solution to your problem ...
i hope this help...
From my little experience I value the fact you promote locally first and globally is just an icing on the cake...why
when you promote locally you have direct contact with the people example among your friend
you will know who to target who has a part time job for example or who is at home who got plenty of time to spare and get benefit from SFI as lot of people out there are inactive because of lack of time....
Sometimes in my children school i distribute the gift cards