There is no limit for this. For making SFI a profitable business you may have to spend at least 1 hour a day.
You can divide this 1 hour like 20 minutes for viewing the daily action tabs, 10 minutes for reviewing the Ask SC tab and voting the questions, 10 minutes for marketing SFI like sending E cards and advertising, 20 minutes for support to your down line by sending PSA/CSA mails. If you have more free time to spend in weekends and holidays spend as much time as you can in Triple Clicks like playing Triple click games, participating in Price bender's Auctions etc...
There is no limit for this. For making SFI a profitable business you may have to spend at least 1 hour a day.
You can divide this 1 hour like 20 minutes for viewing the daily action tabs, 10 minutes for reviewing the Ask SC tab and voting the questions, 10 minutes for marketing SFI like sending E cards and advertising, 20 minutes for support to your down line by sending PSA/CSA mails. If you have more free time to spend in weekends and holidays spend as much time as you can in Triple ...more