both are good.
Why Locally? with the power of ECA program and Triplelcicks Member listing, people within your area will roll the marketing within your area by uploading their products and services, Affiliate within your area are the same time promoter and costumer of the ECA and TCMember vendors and remember, tripleclicks have this pick up option to avoid shipping cost.
Why Globally? many people are using internet today, you can your personal website or blog to market your business. means you are reaching people you don't know that they might be your regular customer.
hope this help
both are good.
Why Locally? with the power of ECA program and Triplelcicks Member listing, people within your area will roll the marketing within your area by uploading their products and services, Affiliate within your area are the same time promoter and costumer of the ECA and TCMember vendors and remember, tripleclicks have this pick up option to avoid shipping cost.
Why Globally? many people are using internet today, you can your personal website or blog to market your business. means ...more