Local promotion is ideal and is the better of the two.
Those local people who you sign up as affiliates are going to be in your team. Building a team with local affiliates would be easier because of you will share the same language and culture, knowledge of local events, understanding of the local economy etc.. Communication would be easier and can even make personal contacts, provide encouragement, training, become friends. You can become personal with each other.
Regarding TripleClicks is would be much easier to convince local affiliates to transfer buy from local ECA rather than having to pay shipping charges.
Internet promotion is also good and the market is much wider. You will however have to deal with differences in time zones, different languages etc.. I'm not saying that you cannot build and effective team with people recruited globally. It can be done and people do have very good teams of people globally recruited. I believe that it is just MUCH EASIER at the local level.
I suggest that you promote both globally and locally with the emphasis on local promotion.
Local promotion is ideal and is the better of the two.
Those local people who you sign up as affiliates are going to be in your team. Building a team with local affiliates would be easier because of you will share the same language and culture, knowledge of local events, understanding of the local economy etc.. Communication would be easier and can even make personal contacts, provide encouragement, training, become friends. You can become personal with each other.
Regarding TripleClicks ...more