This is a very useful question. One each and every Team Leader asks some time or another.
I write them as follows:
1. First I decide on a topic for the week Say for example, Standing Orders. I then go to the Training Center, Forum, ASK SC and so forth and read up on everything said about the topic. I then draft my news letter with all the most important information I found and there goes my weekly letter.
2. Secondly, there are lots of example letters you can use to get you going. Just click on the PSA mailer in your TO DO LIST and select "Ideas". Go through the letters and find the one that says the most of what ou have to say. Copy and paste, edit and send.
This is a very useful question. One each and every Team Leader asks some time or another.
I write them as follows:
1. First I decide on a topic for the week Say for example, Standing Orders. I then go to the Training Center, Forum, ASK SC and so forth and read up on everything said about the topic. I then draft my news letter with all the most important information I found and there goes my weekly letter.
2. Secondly, there are lots of example letters you can use ...more