You cannot give criticism either positive or otherwise to your down line.
Your are their team leader and the buck stops with you. If they have an inadequate grasp of their business you have a responsibility to identify and give them the correct guidance.
If you identify an area where they are having difficulty, you should contact them by a direct team mail or email and I normally start off with
“You appear to have difficulty with this” (I then state the area) I go onto give the advice that they are missing out on valuable VP.
I then tell them what I do in this situation to maximize VP and reduce time and costs involved in achieving the best results.
I would then include a short paragraph in the weekly newsletter about this issue.
You cannot give criticism either positive or otherwise to your down line.
Your are their team leader and the buck stops with you. If they have an inadequate grasp of their business you have a responsibility to identify and give them the correct guidance.
If you identify an area where they are having difficulty, you should contact them by a direct team mail or email and I normally start off with
“You appear to have difficulty with this” (I then state the area) I go onto give ...more