congrats on such innovation to enhance your business. to be able to get a very successful meeting, you need to put the following in place:
1. The venue of the meeting must be a standard one with adequate comfortability that won't cost you too much, but which is essential for brain storming
2. consider the topics to be discussed: Topics that most have challenges with must be included and discussed. Those who have had experiences and of higher in the business should of great help there
3. room for free expression of speech. try and create a conducive atmosphere by which every one can operate. in fact, humour will be an asset that can generate total relaxation
4. Experiences on the field should be shared, so that everyone can learn from its successes and mistakes as well
5.There should be a time of questions and answers, where everyone brainstorms, which is SFI primary purpose of the A2A program
6.Identify your main purpose of gathering and what you want achieved in the end. this has to do with planning of goals and programs for the meeting
7. consider the time frame,. how many hours do you intend to put into the meeting and a note, kindly go by that time frame. you must understand it is not the length of the meeting but how well your audience listened enough to you to the end. your time frame is based on the sitting power of your a2a friends.
if there are already feeling uneasy on their chairs, your meeting is as good as over even though tyhe meeting is still on
8. Establish a co-op if necessary that can help the gathering
9. establish also Executives that will guide and run the eventuality of the meeting, not forgetting to HAVE A NAME for your gathering. what name would you like to give it? Let the name be centered on the purpose of the meeting since you are the convener.
10. create a chart or memorandum that will aid future gatherings once this one is a success.
11. You need to create a minute note in the memorandum
lastly, create a refreshment that will nourish those present after a time of meeting.
They will want to come again and that way you have been able to build a formidable team of A2A friends
congrats on such innovation to enhance your business. to be able to get a very successful meeting, you need to put the following in place:
1. The venue of the meeting must be a standard one with adequate comfortability that won't cost you too much, but which is essential for brain storming
2. consider the topics to be discussed: Topics that most have challenges with must be included and discussed. Those who have had experiences and of higher in the business should of great help