It is best to participate in both. The question is do you have the money and desire to single out them for SBuilder Co-op? For it is still necessary to allocate greater resources than the W3. With the help of SBuilder Co-op you can build a team and get TC refferals, with W3 you get TCredits, MRPs and option awards if you expand the network W3 through your link. Sometimes I'm surprised that people have a desire to participate in W3 instantly when I mention the possibility of prizes. So, both is great and I suggest you to have both if you can.
It is best to participate in both. The question is do you have the money and desire to single out them for SBuilder Co-op? For it is still necessary to allocate greater resources than the W3. With the help of SBuilder Co-op you can build a team and get TC refferals, with W3 you get TCredits, MRPs and option awards if you expand the network W3 through your link. Sometimes I'm surprised that people have a desire to participate in W3 instantly when I mention the possibility of prizes. So, both ...more