My vision of such a gathering is an informal one. A get together of like minded individuals who live in the same area but, perhaps, are feeling somewhat alone in the world of an internet marketing business.
Let’s get together in my living room and have a cup of coffee or a glass of ice tea. We can get to know each other and brain storm some ideas and concepts of sales, marketing and sponsoring. There are so many facets, both online and off, of each of these parts of business that everyone, I am sure, will have a unique viewpoint of each.
Perhaps if someone wished to bring a guest or two (important: This should NOT be billed as an “opportunity” meeting) there could be a “refresher course” of basics played on the computer projected on a large TV screen.
One important item that should be addressed right from the start is that cross solicitation is strictly prohibited. We all know that many of us have more than one iron in the fire but this will NOT be the forum for anything but SFI and TripleClicks. In fact, even though SFI is so simple I am sure an afternoon or evening would be filled well into the next time we meet.
Good luck with your get together and have fun. Keep it informal (not stiff or regimented) and informative.
My vision of such a gathering is an informal one. A get together of like minded individuals who live in the same area but, perhaps, are feeling somewhat alone in the world of an internet marketing business.
Let’s get together in my living room and have a cup of coffee or a glass of ice tea. We can get to know each other and brain storm some ideas and concepts of sales, marketing and sponsoring. There are so many facets, both online and off, of each of these parts of business that everyone, ...more