This seems like questions from many of our SFI friends..
Answer here is very simple.. If you were to have your own main business, how much time and effort would you have put to stabilize and how much time would you have invested till you see decent profit.. That will be the answer for SFI business as well...
I am not saying that you should spend more time, but QUALITY time with more DEDICATION that will bring in lot of money to you and investing time in your people steadily, motivating them to achieve what they want will all contribute to build successful and profitable SFI business.
Thank you for asking and wish you good luck!!
This seems like questions from many of our SFI friends..
Answer here is very simple.. If you were to have your own main business, how much time and effort would you have put to stabilize and how much time would you have invested till you see decent profit.. That will be the answer for SFI business as well...
I am not saying that you should spend more time, but QUALITY time with more DEDICATION that will bring in lot of money to you and investing time in your people steadily, ...more