The first thing I do is in the morning when I do my first check among many of my emails. I check for new PSAs and I contact them, I check for new TripleClicks ECAs, connect with them (and bookmark them) and maybe I have new TC members.
I believe in posting on social media and I never spam. I try to post different ads each time, I have a selection, and in that way I am liked and I am not a bore. I also have ads posted on free ad sites at all times.
Another thing I am faithful about doing is buying visitors/traffic packages, primarily through one ECA in TripleClicks that I think is fabulous! I usually have numerous visitors packages going to my different Gateways at any one time.
I promote to family but, quite frankly, I think my promoting in other ways is easier as family takes their time doing things and expects me to be tolerant for ages. :-)
The first thing I do is in the morning when I do my first check among many of my emails. I check for new PSAs and I contact them, I check for new TripleClicks ECAs, connect with them (and bookmark them) and maybe I have new TC members.
I believe in posting on social media and I never spam. I try to post different ads each time, I have a selection, and in that way I am liked and I am not a bore. I also have ads posted on free ad sites at all times.