Which is best? It depends on what you want and what you want to spend. Perhaps both would be good for you.
W3 is only $1.95 US dollars. It gives you an advertising tool that works 24/7 whenever the car is out of the garage. You don't have to spend more money to renew it--simply answer a few questions. TripleClicks even gives you a reminder on the Alerts tab when it is time to renew.
W3 can give you TripleClicks members. Be sure to get contact information when you give out a card about TripleClicks, so you can follow up. You may be able to discuss SFI after they have joined TripleClicks.
S-Builder Co-op is a method of advertising for PSAs and TripleClicks members. It's $24 a month, $22 as a Standing Order, or even less if your sponsor is running a co-op for the team. You will not need to contact your TripleClicks members, in fact, you can't. Once you have sponsored a TripleClicks member through the S-Builder Co-op, you have completed your job. Further advertising is done by TripleClicks. PSAs acquired through the S-Builder Co-op need tending just like the PSAs you sponsor through other advertising.
Here's the big difference: W3 advertising is local for you. S-Builder Co-op is international. Both are very good. They are just 2 different types of advertising. I suggest you try them both-not necessarily at the same time.
Which is best? It depends on what you want and what you want to spend. Perhaps both would be good for you.
W3 is only $1.95 US dollars. It gives you an advertising tool that works 24/7 whenever the car is out of the garage. You don't have to spend more money to renew it--simply answer a few questions. TripleClicks even gives you a reminder on the Alerts tab when it is time to renew.
W3 can give you TripleClicks members. Be sure to get contact information when you give out a ...more