You should participate in both of them. They each have different benefits, even though both are advertising methods. One good thing about W3, there is no monthly cost.
S-Builder is only $22US/mo if you include it in your Standing Order. It will take about 4-6 weeks from order date for affiliates (both PSAs and PRMs) to begin arriving, thereafter, you will gain around 6-8 people/month. If you want more, add another Unit to your SO.
One of the lovely things about S-Builder is not having to do the advertising yourself, especially if it is not your best ability!! And they come in one at a time, making it much easier to greet them in a timely fashion, and begin building a rapport with them, gently and subtly guiding them into the world of SFI!! Win-win for all!!:))
You should participate in both of them. They each have different benefits, even though both are advertising methods. One good thing about W3, there is no monthly cost.
S-Builder is only $22US/mo if you include it in your Standing Order. It will take about 4-6 weeks from order date for affiliates (both PSAs and PRMs) to begin arriving, thereafter, you will gain around 6-8 people/month. If you want more, add another Unit to your SO.
One of the lovely things about S-Builder is ...more