How much time?
This is very good question but the answer is not simple.Why?
If somebody can answer on this with right math he can also pick the jackpot on lottery.
For example how much of time you spend on your regular job and for what profit?
From my opinion you must spend just from one to five hours per day to build profitable business but it also depends on what you'll do in SFI and with what result and without team this is hard job.
If you only check your to do list and nothing else than you must spend about 397,9 hours per day to make it profitable but if you do your daily tasks,play games,promote your business on merketing sites,read launchpad,forum and other marketing stuff form SFI if you build team and place yourself as a team leader who lead by example than time is no matter but it will takes you about two or three hours per day which is not too much because it is for your freedom.You can use another powerful technique and this is d u p l i c a t i o n (about this you can also find in marketing materials on SFI site).
Why is duplication so powerful?
Look at this as at math.Just calculate.If you spend two hours per day (daily tasks,reading,advertising) and find only two person who duplicate what you doing you'll have a team who spend about 6 hours per day on that job.Calculate for yourself how much hours per day you team will spend with 12 level on depth if you have only two who duplicate what you do and they forward it to downline.
From your two hours and two PSA that can look like a profitable business.
Invest in yourself,learn,do daily,duplicate,lead by example,invest in team and you can't miss the result.
How much time?
This is very good question but the answer is not simple.Why?
If somebody can answer on this with right math he can also pick the jackpot on lottery.
For example how much of time you spend on your regular job and for what profit?
From my opinion you must spend just from one to five hours per day to build profitable business but it also depends on what you'll do in SFI and with what result and without team this is hard job.
If you only check your