E-mails one of way comunication with your downline.
You'll find E-mail addresses your Team on your Genealogy in the COMMUNICATION format screen—Just go to your Genealogy, select the "Communications" tab. Or, just click the envelope icon on any format screen to send an e-mail.
Send out weekly Team E-mail with instructions on how to maintain the achieved status.
Send out personal and Team E-mail with congratulations for those in our Team that have achieved goals such as EA, EA2, TL etc
Periodically send an E-mail a warning of the necessity performing everyday tasks and conquest daily 11-12 VP
Periodically send an E-mail a warning of the participation in DALY GRAND drawing
Periodically send an E-mail to remind of the participation in "T-Time hourly TCredits Drawing" (FREE TCredits awarded every hour)
Respond to any E-mail contact fast, detailed and understandable
Regards with positive thoughts into a new day ...
E-mails one of way comunication with your downline.
You'll find E-mail addresses your Team on your Genealogy in the COMMUNICATION format screen—Just go to your Genealogy, select the "Communications" tab. Or, just click the envelope icon on any format screen to send an e-mail.
Send out weekly Team E-mail with instructions on how to maintain the achieved status.
Send out personal and Team E-mail with congratulations for those in our Team that have