I believe it is important that you start your email with words of praise or encouragement by acknowledging the work that has been done. Don't just jump in by listing items that need to be, or should be, done. You can always find an encouraging word - tell them that you have noticed they have completed certain tasks, or they are making great progress in certain areas. Then suggest 'next steps' that you think they should be pursuing - or alternate routes or tasks that they could try. And, don't forget to offer them assistance, if they are having and trouble or concerns.
Hello Maja
I believe it is important that you start your email with words of praise or encouragement by acknowledging the work that has been done. Don't just jump in by listing items that need to be, or should be, done. You can always find an encouraging word - tell them that you have noticed they have completed certain tasks, or they are making great progress in certain areas. Then suggest 'next steps' that you think they should be pursuing - or alternate routes or tasks that they could ...more