Purchase from Tripleclicks yourself. When you purchase items from tripleclicks you will be able to rate
the item you purchased. Rate these purchased items and share these ratings with a description to your downline.
This will let your downline know that you even purchase items from tripleclicks and you liked them and in turn this will
influence them to purchase something from tripleclicks as well, Whether it is the same item or one of their
choosing this should encourage them.
Purchase from Tripleclicks yourself. When you purchase items from tripleclicks you will be able to rate
the item you purchased. Rate these purchased items and share these ratings with a description to your downline.
This will let your downline know that you even purchase items from tripleclicks and you liked them and in turn this will
influence them to purchase something from tripleclicks as well, Whether it is the same item or one of their
choosing this should encourage them.