for me both are the same.
they are good offer from sfi that you will use to grow your sfi business...
first thing to consider is develop your teaching skills first.
even if you will avail s-builder co-op of psas to go if you dont have enough skill to train your psa or downlines its useless... so before availing it you need to develop your teaching skills first.
many sign ups from s-builder or psas to go who just join the business and not knowing how it works so it ends to sleeping psa or downlines. for me develop your self first before considering those 2 option of psa sources ...
for me both are the same.
they are good offer from sfi that you will use to grow your sfi business...
first thing to consider is develop your teaching skills first.
even if you will avail s-builder co-op of psas to go if you dont have enough skill to train your psa or downlines its useless... so before availing it you need to develop your teaching skills first.
many sign ups from s-builder or psas to go who just join the business and not knowing how it works so it ends to ...more