But, in my opinion, the genealogy is able to sort your movers from those that are not dedicated to SFI.
You sort them and can see who is most active, what country they are from, as wells as an entire assortment of Filters. You can see who will be removed soon from inactivity as well.
To get the most out of your genealogy, spend some time sorting through the options and find what works best for you. Send support messages, e-mails to your team and keep track of team growth with your Genealogy.
Also, Try not to overwhelm your team with too many Team-Mails. Once a week Team-Mails are good, and specific requests should always be awarded.
But, in my opinion, the genealogy is able to sort your movers from those that are not dedicated to SFI.
You sort them and can see who is most active, what country they are from, as wells as an entire assortment of Filters. You can see who will be removed soon from inactivity as well.
To get the most out of your genealogy, spend some time sorting through the options and find what works best for you. Send support messages, e-mails to your team ...more