In business what really matters is how to maximize your gain or profit using the less cost.
Going by this, you have to apply that which gives you the best return on investment. Let now take a look at SFI affiliate and tripleclicks and analyze what we stand to gain if and when we use any of the two.
what we gain when we sponsor Affiliate:
1. Direct commission
2. You automatically sponsor a tripleclick member
3. Receive Matching VP in the executive pool
4. Earn ECA referrer VP ie Monthly VP from your Affiliate
5. Create duplication and grow higher in SFI business, remember the success of your PSA is tied to your success.
6. Earn CV from your affiliate on product bought from tripleclicks
what we gain when we sponsor Tripleclick member
7. SFI Pay-Per-Action (SFIPPA)
1. Commision Volumn from their purchase
2. if ECA, referrer commission
3. VP on their purchase and or sales etc
SO the best among is that which brings in the best return on investment.
In business what really matters is how to maximize your gain or profit using the less cost.
Going by this, you have to apply that which gives you the best return on investment. Let now take a look at SFI affiliate and tripleclicks and analyze what we stand to gain if and when we use any of the two.
what we gain when we sponsor Affiliate:
1. Direct commission
2. You automatically sponsor a tripleclick member
3. Receive Matching VP in the executive pool
4. Earn ECA referrer