While you may see purchases from your TripleClicks Members, PRMs, earlier in their membership career, you will benefit from an active PSA to a much greater extent.
Your PRMs joined because they were curious about what TC is and what it sells, or they read an ad for a certain product or game. They may or may not ever buy. They may buy once and then again they may buy often. But you only get a commission when they buy. There are no residuals.
With a team of active PSAs, in time you will have a team that keeps on going even without so much help from you. Those you have sponsored, taught, and encouraged will be doing that to their PSAs and so on. The matching VP will continue to surface into your shares of the Executive Pool and you will have residual income for the rest of your life. That's what affiliate marketing is all about.
Continue to advertise for TripleClicks Members, but concentrate on adding SFI Affiliates and training them to duplicate yourself..
While you may see purchases from your TripleClicks Members, PRMs, earlier in their membership career, you will benefit from an active PSA to a much greater extent.
Your PRMs joined because they were curious about what TC is and what it sells, or they read an ad for a certain product or game. They may or may not ever buy. They may buy once and then again they may buy often. But you only get a commission when they buy. There are no residuals.