Purchasing from TripleClicks only for VP will be to expensive. It will be successful only if these are the products which we can use in our home or for us personally. When you find that kind of product you can encourage your downline to purchase, because that will be a good investment in consumables. These can be products for a healthy diet, personal hygiene, cleaning the house or the camping gear, food for pets etc.
But you will encourage your downline mostly if you tell them your personal experience about some products, your personal example will be the best advertising for them.
Purchasing from TripleClicks only for VP will be to expensive. It will be successful only if these are the products which we can use in our home or for us personally. When you find that kind of product you can encourage your downline to purchase, because that will be a good investment in consumables. These can be products for a healthy diet, personal hygiene, cleaning the house or the camping gear, food for pets etc.
But you will encourage your downline mostly if you tell them your personal ...more