Hallo, I believe both : S-Builder Co-op and PSAs to Go are good. One has to try which one works out best for her/him. If both are good and afordable, try them, they might bring very good results at the end. I am a very impatient Person but it is needed very much in life, especially in business if one needs to be successful. If these 2 programs don´t bring good results in the first month, be Patient and try them once more and then, you can decide which one you take or not. Don´t loose the fight b4 you start fighting!
Hallo, I believe both : S-Builder Co-op and PSAs to Go are good. One has to try which one works out best for her/him. If both are good and afordable, try them, they might bring very good results at the end. I am a very impatient Person but it is needed very much in life, especially in business if one needs to be successful. If these 2 programs don´t bring good results in the first month, be Patient and try them once more and then, you can decide which one you take or not. Don´t loose the fight ...more